During Covid we understand that it is a difficult time for so many people and businesses. Albion Detection Systems LTD remains open for business as usual and continues to provide maintenance visits and call out services to its customers.
Our engineers have been issued with a full range of PPE including masks, hand sanitiser and gloves and are maintaining the 2 metre social distancing policy. We take our engineers safety seriously and want to also reassure our customers that we are doing all we can to keep everyone safe.
During this time when fewer people are working or in buildings, it’s perhaps even more crucial that the fire alarm system is maintained and able to adequately protect people and property. Our guidance would be for business owners to check with their insurance company to establish any implications of having buildings left vacant, and to check with their fire alarm provider if they’re worried about the functionality of the system.
Minister of State defines Key Worker Status directly to FIA
The Minister for State for Security, the Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP has written to the Chairman and CEO of the FIA detailing his support for the fire safety industry through the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic; and repeats his message that “The Government is grateful for the sector’s continuing efforts at this challenging time.”
Letter and image provided courtesy of https://www.fia.uk.com/uploads/assets/f043f294-72bf-44f2-a7d70fc68bd30f76/Minister-of-State-for-Security-Response-to-FIA.pdf